The association Transition Minett, based in Esch/Alzette, gathers inhabitants, local companies, schools, artists, politicians wishing to put their knowledge and skills in concrete actions for the societal transition necessary to adapt our lifestyles to the real resources of the planet. The association proposes tangible projects on a local/regional scale such as urban gardening, “consom’action”, a green energy cooperative TM Enercoop, playful awareness-raising actions such as the Do-It-Yourself festival, activities and workshops.
Field of activity
Work team
7 part time employees and 15 volunteers
Website / Social media
Transition Minett (
Transition Minett carries many projects related to ecological transition. Within the framework of its operation, it offers innovative solutions namely in the field of mobility, building, digital and purchasing.
On the purchase and waste side:
purchase furniture and equipment from ressourceries
share tools via a tool library managed by the association in partnership with EBL.
participate in or organize repair workshops (repair cafés, bicycles etc.) for the maintenance of the association’s equipment and for individuals
use ecological cleaning products
On the building and energy side:
occupy temporarily unoccupied premises
install a wood pellet heater
buy LED light bulbs
On the mobility side, the association’s good practices included:
purchase two cargo bikes
purchase an electric car
set up a shared car system to share the electric car with other partners (like Life coop)
On the digital side:
use open source software (e.g. nextcloud)
buy a 3D printer that is open to all residents and users of the workshop
Transition actions are carried out within the Transition Minett asbl because they contribute to feed the projects and resources related to its missions of assisting citizens towards a societal transition.
The association uses a system of shared governance called sociocracy. Decisions are made during weekly team meetings, especially for purchases. External good practice initiatives are promoted by theme during open workshops (recycling, repairing, preparing food, learning to do it yourself, consuming without waste etc.).
The association has subsidies from the municipality for its regular operation, which has made it possible to finance the purchases. Its premises are kindly provided by the municipality and a real estate agent.
The Grand Duchess Charlotte Foundation has financed the launch of the places managed by the association: the citizen space Maison de la transition and the factory of collaborative alternatives Facilitec.
The Ministry of Environment has supported the actions towards companies and participation in the neighborhoods.
The building made available is very poorly insulated and its temporary occupation does not allow investing in too expensive construction work. The current economic system is a bit fragile because it is too dependent on the financing from the municipality. The association is looking for other funding to diversify. The car-sharing system with people outside the association requires a complex legal set-up.